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Natural Process Model Answer

The natural process is the type of process that takes place naturally without human interference. Also, it is usually cyclical. 

The given process represents the cycle of life of the salmon fish.

Overall, this natural process takes place in three different waters, and it takes about 9 years to re-begin. Also, it consists of three main stages.

The first stage occurs in the slow-moving water of the upper river, in which the salmon eggs hatch between the riverbed reeds after approximately five or six months lying among the small stones. The offspring of the salmon fish, which is called fry, is about 3 to 8 cm long at this stage.

The fry swims to the lower river, in which water is fast-flowing. The fish spend about 4 years, reaching 12 to 15 cm long before moving to the next stage. And, the natural-made process rebegins.

The smolt, the 12-centimeter-long salmon fish, swims to the open sea and grows till being adult salmon, lengthening 70 to 76 centimeters. The full-grown salmonfish move back to the upper river where they hide their eggs between the stones until they hatch.

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